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HomeIDRC 2022 Posters

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC)

July 31-August 5, 2022

Sponsors 2022



The IDRC program invites researchers and students to submit abstracts for e-posters to be displayed at the Virtual Conference. Each poster will have 5 minutes to present by the author(s) during the conference.

For this year, we have a set of judges to select the best posters by students and professionals. Awards will be presented at the conference.
The spirit of the conference is to encourage active, open dialog in the community.  In that spirit, neither posters, oral presentations, nor abstracts will be published by the IDRC or CNIRS.  The summary information provided by the authors will be available in the final conference program.  Of course, authors are free to publish elsewhere as they choose.

As always, the conference encourages students and new scientists to attend. Please fill out the call for the e-poster form and email it back to

e-poster submittal