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HomeIDRC 2020 Posters



We hope all conferees will consider presenting their research in a poster. Poster-boards will be set up in the Exhibition Hall and on display during the entire conference. The maximum poster size is 120 cm X 120 cm.
For this year, we have a set of judges to select the best posters by students and professionals. Awards will be presented at the conference's closing banquet.
The spirit of the conference is to encourage active, open dialog in the community.  In that spirit, neither posters, oral presentations, nor abstracts will be published by the IDRC or CNIRS.  Summary information provided by authors will be available at the conference in a handout.  Of course, authors are free to publish elsewhere as they choose.

As always, the conference encourages students and new scientists to attend. We have a program of travel awards to assist students. Students applying for a travel award are expected to present a poster. The poster abstracts will be reviewed in advance for selection to give an oral presentation in the student and emerging scientist section.

Call for Poster Abstract